"I think I'll go with Tasha, Cap, and the Tin Man," you say, and Tony makes a faint noise of protest that was exactly what you were going for anyway.

"Acknowledged," Coulson says, and signs off.

Tony beckons you over to where he and his dream team have already formed a small huddle (no doubt Cap's doing; he's way into this team-building stuff). It's nothing fun, though, he's just giving you all a run-down of the tech at the tower, explaining about circuit failsafes and why the remote controls have to be released before the manual ones at the cell blocks.

Natasha sighs, rolls her eyes. "Do we need to know all this?" she asks as Tony waxes particularly lyrical about a killswitch command. "We infiltrate, we shoot, they die, you do the tech. Right?"

You grin. There's a reason Natasha is your favourite.

Turn to page 11.